Experiencing Anti-Semitism: A Personal Account

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I am Jewish. For some reason, these few words are responded to with a strange look or an “oh” as if it explains something about me. Even in this day and age, I have experienced anti Semitism and racist jokes since I was young. They have never been physical or violent but their ignorance has always puzzled me. “How could someone be so hurtful toward a 13 year old girl?” I would think to myself. People actually have a lot of misconceptions about Israel and the Jewish people. The Anti-Defamation League reported that 14% of Americans have anti Semitic beliefs. While this number might seem low, it amounts to about 44.7 million people. That means there are 38.7 million more people who exhibit prejudice against Jews than there are actual Jewish …show more content…

The Holocaust is something that holds a special space in every Jew’s heart. Watching and learning about the atrocities pains us all. It is extremely frightening because it did happen and it was only 72 years ago. I recently watched Schlindler’s List for the first time because my mother had once told me “It is a movie every Jewish person should see once.” I had put it off for a while because I knew I would not be able to control my emotions. I realized I was ready because when I watched it, I was not feeling sad but proud, proud that the Jewish people, through all of that, survived and are now thriving. More than six million Jewish people as well as around six million others who Hitler deemed “undesirable” were murdered in extermination camps. My grandmother’s father came to America from Poland (modern day Ukraine) around 1917, 22 years prior to the beginning of World War Two. He was accompanied by his father, mother, and siblings, leaving his extended family behind. They lived scattered across what became Hitler’s empire and many died in concentration camps. If my great-grandfather had not left, I would not be alive today. Knowing that people in my family were killed by this appalling man and his horrific regime angers and devastates

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