Personal Narrative: Genetic Clotting Disease

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Deep vein thrombosis, noun, is the formation of a blood clot within a deep vein, most commonly found in the legs, and older people. But, every so often, a teenager with come into a hospital with DVT, and even then, they will almost always have a genetic clotting disease. I didn’t. Many people say they are not afraid of death, and I always believed I was one of them. It wasn’t until my closest “dance with death” , that I really understood my fear. It began as a basic wisdom tooth extraction; the goal was to remove all 4 wisdom teeth. Though the teeth had not yet gone through the gum, I was told it would be a easy procedure. The only warnings I had received, was a risk of hitting the trigeminal nerve, causing pain and tingling, but even …show more content…

I was ready to lose all feeling in my mouth and die. Overreacting, I know. I don’t remember much of the surgery, purely because I was incredibly asleep on medicine so I didn’t feel or remember everything. It wasn’t until January 9th, I realized something was incredibly wrong. My left arm was a completely a different color than my right arm, and it had the feeling of a constricting rubber band, sucking all the life out of your arm. My mom was scared that maybe my mouth was infected, causing a blood disease or something. I walked into the Huron Valley Emergency room, nothing was too serious at the time. I wasn’t expecting much, maybe a small infection, and be sent home with some antibiotics. When the doctor came and saw us, he was incredibly confused. He had no idea as to what was wrong with me. He did mention a blood clot, but rare, possible. So he decided to send me for an ultrasound, at 12 am. The ultrasound took about a half an hour of an older lady pushing against my right arm. Once the doctor came back into the room, and explained to me that a had a blood clot from my elbow to my collarbone, I was stunned. But, I really understood how rare it was, when all the other doctors working started coming into the room to see the “15

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