Personal Narrative: Finding College Raptor

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The hardest part of being a teenager is the stress of imagining my future. In most cases children's parents push them to apply for every college, do the best you can in school, and find information about different careers, etc. In my case there is no pressure. Everything that I do to discover colleges or look beyond high school is all up to me. What I struggle most with in attempting to find colleges is the fact that I have no idea what to look for in a good college. I grapple with attempting to find different majors or what the colleges offer that sets them apart from every other college. I can find information about the big Ivy League schools, but as a person who does not have assets or money and is not a child genius, I find it difficult to find schools that would be in my range and that I could actually prosper from going to that college. I attempted to find helpful resources that I could use to broaden my knowledge about Colleges and what I needed to know. There were many unhelpful websites that took me to information that I already knew. Then I discovered College Raptor. …show more content…

I stumbled onto an ad that promised results fast and the right colleges for me. However it was just another website that had me plug in my information and had me go to the colleges I already knew about. Again and again I tried and signed up for useless websites: Cappex, Princeton Review, ACT STEM. Time and time again these websites provided no answers. After more digging I came upon a website called "College Raptor". That caught my attention, the name was very unusual, unheard of to me. Being a curious person, I had to check out a website that had a dinosaur as it's

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