College Raptor Benefits

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I've spent hours and hours searching for scholarships, financial aid information, and more to help me with my education. Those hours turned into days, and those days morphed into weeks. My parents have six other kids to support, three of whom have Cystic Fibrosis, including me, so I know they can't help me pay for college. It's up to me. I've worked myself sick maintaining my 4.00, studying for the ACT, and digging for scholarships so I can focus on my education when I go to college instead of working to pay for it. During my time scrounging for scholarship websites and poking around for grants and things I could apply for, I've come across several decent scholarship websites. But I've never found anything as good as College Raptor. While other websites simply compile scholarships and list them on their …show more content…

All the scholarships I could ever need are just waiting around for me in my College Raptor account, remaining patiently for me to apply to them. But scholarships aren't the only important thing when it comes to education. Deciding a major, scoring well on the ACT, and deciding on a career are some of the most important. And guess what? College Raptor helps with all of these things and more. I grew particularly fond of the "articles/advice" page I discovered, which was packed with helpful consultation about every question you've ever had about college. Another superb tool is the "majors" tab, where you can find information and statistics about any major in the world. The information is very detailed, and all of it somehow perfectly relates to what you're trying to find out. The level of thoroughness and comprehension is what I think sets this website apart from all the others. That leads me to my favorite part of the website-- my colleges. I've already made a mostly solid decision on where I'm going to college, but College Raptor still found it's way to be extremely

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