Personal Narrative Fiction

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"Turn!" They yelled at me as I followed orders.

It was odd being on the other side of the law. I couldn't hide behind my father's name any longer If he even would claim me as his own anymore. The flash broke my concentration.

"Turn!" They yelled once again as once more I listened.

I was beloved. In their eyes, I could do no wrong. But things have changed. They took the final picture of me as two police officer came into the photo room and grabbed handcuffed me.

"Come on, time to go to your cell." He escorted me out.

We passed multiple of criminals. The ones that make your skin crawl at night. Look at me, I'm short and weigh like a feather. I don't belong in a place like this. We passed through them all even a few empties ones until we reached the entrance.

"Where are we going?" I looked over at them both, waiting for an answer.

"They deem you unsafe to be kept in town. We are taking you to a secure area." He explained as the other didn't even look at me. …show more content…

Crazy to see the people you spend your whole life with can turn on you so quickly. The officer protected me from any physical altercation, yet they found ways to hurt me. They yelled in my face, yelling whatever offensive word they could say, yet I stared straight ahead with a blank face. They wanted a reaction out of me, but I couldn't let them have it. We approached the vehicle as I let them push me into it. They surrounded my side of the car, banging on it. What else did they want from me? They got what they wanted by getting me, an innocent person, arrested for such a petty

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