Personal Narrative Fiction

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Michael: “Yes, I thought I’d try it out.”

Shere: Raises eyebrows “Hmmm”

Michael: “Ah...” Fidgets nervously “I was wondering if you wanted to get tea?” Sounds hopeful

Shere: “Yes, that would be wonderful!”

Michael: “Really?!”

Shere: “Yes. Black, two sugars, a little bit of cream.” Looks at dirt under the microscope.

Michael: “Sorry?” Michael looks confused.

Shere: “Black, two sugars, a little bit of cream. That’s how I like my tea.” Looks at Michael “Well, go on”

Michael: “Right.” Michael leaves quickly

Scene then shows Shere examining the gravel, then the oil, and then extracting DNA. John comes in holding a few papers.

John: “I got those papers you wanted.” Shere stretches out her hand and John exasperatingly hands her the files. …show more content…

Might want to put a little more makeup on,” looks pointedly, “And buy a thesaurus if that word is the best insult you can come up with. I’m not a psychopath, I’m a high functioning sociopath. Do your research before you lower the IQ of the whole building.” Sally huffs and storms out and Shere looks at John to answer her question.

Shere: “Yes.” Looks at John pointedly.

John: “Stop looking at us like that!”

Shere: In confusion “Like what?”

John: “Like we know what's going on! You, being all mysterious with your...your eyeliner and turning your coat collar up so you look cool!”

Shere: “I don’t do that.” Mumbles

John: “Mind explaining to us” John inclines her head

Scene shifts to describe what Shere says.

Shere: “The soil samples showed me a few things, the soil was a mix between sand and silt, so we’re looking for a area with a bit of nature, that narrows it down a bit, next the soil was subangular, mature, and of medium size. There’s only one place with that type of soil so the general area we’ll be looking for is Greenwich. Next I noticed that there was specks of white mixed on the victim's shoe. I did some chemical test and classified it as paint, specifically interior paint used to paint walls. We’re looking for a place under construction, or remodeling. Finally that smudge on her hand matched the same type of oil used to grease the gears on a metal flattening machine. There’s only one place this trace evidence matches, Harveys of Charleton.” Looks at John with excitement. “Come on

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