Are the Expectations Raised by Romantic Movies Damaging to Real Relationships and Marriage?

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The setting of unrealistic standards for women and their relationships put pressure on men and what they have to do to make a woman happy. The definition of a gentleman in the dictionary is “ a civilized, educated, sensitive, or well mannered man.” Nowhere does it say that prince charming exists or that they have white horses and are here to save you at your every damsel and distress moment. As mentioned before the nice gestures are an extra to the relationship, you cannot expect them and they are definitely not a necessity to a good relationship, as these movies sometimes seem to depict it. Romantic movies have a way of molding women’s beliefs, expectations, and standards especially when it comes to the moment when they start comparing their real life situations. Some women can summarize the whole Sex and the City series, which was also made into movies. Most women walk around talking about finding an “Aiden” or a “Mr. Big,” two characters from the romance films that make you believe you want to move to New York and become a writer and fall in love like the lead female character. Romantic movies have characters that are not only charming, but also they usually have perks like money and a great career. A woman goes to the movies to watch one of these films during a girls night and the poor fool who has been paying attention to her for quite sometime just doesn’t seem to cut it for her. She wants someone to stand outside her window with a boom box blasting some love song. She wants the guy who is going to pick her up and surprise her with a nice candlelight dinner on a boat somewhere. This guy who took her to a movie or two isn’t cutting it anymore. What happens to the women already in serious established relationships? Well the ro...

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...blems with these things too. Romantic movies don’t show you the process of getting used to cohabiting, or the strains that having children might put on a relationship. You are always watching the good things, the laughs, the sentimental moments, and the passionate love scenes. Any negativity or bump on the road is just a precursor to the golden reunion. It’s understandable why movie writers don’t choose to put these real life situations in their scripts, really who wants to watch a movie that doesn’t end on a happy note. Unfortunately, there’s not much that can be done about these movies being made because according to one analysis done by Nash (2010), the romantic comedy genre was the sixth highest grossing category of films between 1995 and 2010, pulling in over $10 billion in gross revenue during this 15-year period. Perhaps some enhancements can be made to them.

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