Personal Narrative Essay: The Fear Of My Life

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In that very moment There I was a hundred feet in the air, my body was squished so I couldn’t move. I was scared for my life I didn’t know if I wanted to stay on or get off. So I stayed on and I held on so tight my hands started to hurt. I can’t turn back now, here we go, on the first hill I can see everything up here, slowly we are going down we pick up more speed, I closed my eyes (bad idea because, that just made it worse) I didn’t wanna look. My stomach was in my back, then we went up a smaller hill which wasn’t as bad, but before I knew it, it was over. That’s when I knew I wanted to live my life to the fullest don’t be scared to do something that you really want to do. Just do it. Let me tell a little story. Well first, there was this eighteen year old girl that lived in Park …show more content…

We had to wait a day before we go to Valley Fair so we checked into the hotel that we were going to stay at for about two days, we got all of our stuff moved in and settled I changed my clothes so that I didn’t stink like sweat and a long car ride. So that night we had supper at a family member 's house. And I think that was probably the best food I have ever had. I mean it was beyond amazing almost breathtaking. We had yummy pork chops, and very good hash browns, it’s like they weren’t even hash browns they were that good. I even attempted to eat some squash, which wasn’t very pleasing to me. We also had some cucumbers that weren’t very good either, they tasted very how should I say this in a good way… Gross… By now we got done eating and we talked for a bit. She had this huge fat cat. It was so cute. But he shed like no other, his name was freddy (fred for short). He would let anyone pet him,but anyone who would pet him would get a handfull of hair (I already made that mistake a bunch of times). By now we are about to leave and go back to the hotel to go to sleep. I’m getting more and more excited by the

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