My Hero's Journey-Personal Narrative

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Bright early in the morning, smelling the vivid coffee, I jumped off my bed along with me the sheets scatter all over the room, enthusiastically the day has begun. This day sparked an amazing feeling, a feeling that arose within my heart and traveled throughout my body feeling it in my bones, organs, cells, bacteria. The road trip lasted two hours, nevertheless, it would last a lifetime in my memories; we arrived, it seemed as if it took an eternity, a never ending ride. Struggling to get in the parking lot, or should I say the safari because they were all acting as a pack of wild animals, all fighting for a spot just to spare the amount of walking towards the entrance. The walk seemed to go on forever, a mile long; the lines to enter were …show more content…

Waiting an eternity to ride, the anxiety builds with each step. As I approach the seat, my palms sweat, as I regret my decision every five minutes. As the rapid coaster rushes above, the cool air splashes me in the face. What a way to start the day at an amusement park! Adrenaline in my veins surging through. I’m next. The doors fly open. Trembling, I drop my bags off unable to see where I left them. One foot, then the other, click. Crank, crank, crank, I am fully protected now in the coaster. It traveled upward on an infinite journey where the destination was yet to be determined. Reaching the top I could see the vivid green trees, so beautiful, and from here I could distinguish the city of Valencia. Two hundred and fifty-five feet up in the air, I'm not sure how I'm still conscious but I am. It felt peaceful, for a split second, then out of thin air my heart drops, along with every other organ in my body. One moment everything was in place and then the next everything was down to my feet, feeling the weight heavily on my legs. It happened very quick. One second I watched the park, as I stood at the top on the world but then the next I found myself on the ground with all my body parts still

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