Personal Narrative Essay: Learning How To Play The Piano

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I had been too sheltered, too confined to rules and orders of my family. Do this. Do that. Every instruction seems to be a law that is ought not to be violated. For a young girl, it is natural to follow what the family had been telling you. At some point, though, everyone will soon get tired. People who just go with the flow will soon realize his ignorance and lost of direction and will try to diverge from the current so as to find himself. As a little kid, I have been forced to do things that I did not like. The most significant of which is learning how to play the piano. I had been flowing with the current for a long time and there came a time when I wanted to go away from it. But, the more you contradict the current, the harder life would …show more content…

At first, I thought that learning how to play the instrument is just a piece of cake, but it turns out that it is not as easy as it seems. I found it hard to read notes even though I already had a background of the lesson in regular school. In my piano class, my fingers appeared to be too stiff because I was too nervous. My fingers often grew as cold as ice because I was too afraid to commit mistakes especially because of my fear that my teacher would become too impatient to me and would scold at me. After class, my grandfather would be very disappointed with how I performed in class. He would always make me feel that I am no good. He would always say bad words to me. He would always demand me to practice everyday for several …show more content…

My music gained its life. That was just the start of great things. God had said “wait” yet He had given me the best. Now, I can play not only the piano, but violin and guitar as well. I am using the talents given to me by God for His greater glory and I am sharing those talents with others.

Through the years, music has been my refuge and my best friend. Whenever I am happy, sad, disappointed, or angry, I create music - I play, I sing, I write. What had caused me stress once is now my stress reliever. I never thought that something that I once hated the most will be the same thing that I would not be able live without.

In this experience, I was able to find and enhance not just my talent, but also my character. My experience strengthened and molded me not just as a musician, but also as a person. The lessons I have acquired in that experience formed my character. It teaches me the value of perseverance, patience and trust in God’s plans.

My experience teaches me not to give up no matter what. It teaches me to stand firm to what I truly desire. Indeed, nothing worth it ever comes so easy. Things always seem impossible until they are done. I have come to realize that I can do anything as long as I believe that I

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