Personal Narrative Essay: Daniel's Play Soccer

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“Ugh.” That's what I told my uncle when he signed me up for the Special Olympics. I barely made it to the park on time that morning and reluctantly walked over to the sign-in tent. Looking across the field, I stood there thinking what did I get myself into. I didn't know what to expect when I arrived and thought, “Man, I'm wasting nine hours of my summer on a Saturday morning trying to watch people who are disabled that can't even play soccer.” I figured my day would consist of helping these people play soccer and that was it. It ended up being a lot more enjoyable due to the help of a friend named Daniel. Now Daniel, who is not your typical kid, was bigger than the rest. He wore round rimmed glasses, had a slurred speech, wore a black satchel around his body, and waddled when he walked because of his short steps. He lashes his …show more content…

Daniel always misses the ball when he attempts to kick it, but he keeps trying in futile attempts because the ball is taken away from him. They keep on trying until they kick the ball or score a goal and don’t give up easily. They have been through so much and have overcome so much that giving up isn’t an option for them. I am the total opposite. I give up pretty quickly when things go awry, but after watching them, I need more perseverance to keep trying until I accomplish my goals. As much as they may lose, trip, and miss, they always have a positive attitude. They encourage each other and never put each other down. A girl, unathletic but cheerful, always told her teammates, “That’s okay, get it back next time.” A boy, who missed the goal, smiled and whispered to himself, “Shucks, I’ll get it next time.” These two kids made me realize that I have an awful attitude. I have a normal life and these kids don’t, yet they still have a better attitude than me. I felt so ashamed of

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