Personal Narrative Essay: A Mistress's Husband

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It was the last time I put up with this infidelity, and I had solid evidence to accompany my accusations. It still is uncertain to me if it was a higher force or women’s intuition, or a combination of the two, that gave me the idea to rummage around underneath the backseat of that truck considering there were over 100 vehicles in the yard. At that point, my self-esteem had withered to the point of unstable frustration
Marching across the farmyard towards the workshop I opened the door; all I could think about is that little bastard is still doing it and right here in my hand was solid evidence, the secret cell phone with the phone numbers and text messages.
I still couldn’t wrap my head around why he would lie to me; Adam wasn’t protecting …show more content…

The interesting part about that is the mistress had a husband, and children as well and this timeframe fit the mistress’s husband's work schedule. In my mind, the two were perfect for each other, although I felt bad for mistresses’ husband. I made a phone call to the mistress’s husband; however, he was in denial about his wife. The farm house tension grew when I started to assert my independence away from the demented relationship while still being forced to live together. When I came home that evening after a fun night out, I found Adam in a very unhappy and in an atypical confrontational state as he demanded to know where I was and who was in my company. Well, I had to remind him that we were separated, as I had arranged cares for both my son and mother. All of a sudden he tossed my couch bed all over the living room. He appeared to be frustrated and experiencing a loss of control that he …show more content…

I found him interesting because he was the opposite of everyone else in this rural community, they all conformed to similar viewpoints almost like the cookie cutter suburban houses found on the outskirts of the metro.
I was busy moving my mother into the house which is a significant task within itself. That evening I had Adam and my in-laws watch my son so that I could focus on the demanding task at hand. I invited Michael over to my house that evening. This ignorant action by me would cause madness like know other from Adam. Adam continued to stalk my house throughout the night. I looked outside the next morning to watch Adam turn my property into a junkyard by dumping off my vehicles, and beaching my boat on the lawn.
At that point, I became furious and stormed up to his ever intimidating, oversized tow truck and demanded my son, as we had agreed Adam would drop him off that next day. I could see his rage, but I didn’t care I reached in to grab the keys and found myself with a right hook to the cheek as he stomped on the gas and drove

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