Personal Narrative Essay

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My childhood started out with my grandparents. My mom had to work on the other side of the island so my grandma and grandpa were my temporary mom and dad for while. Living with my grandparents was a blast, I ventured through the forest with my grandpa, shopped for clothes with my grandma and attended routined meetings with both of them. There wasn't wifi at my grandparent's house at the time so on my spare time I liked to grab sticks from the storage house to give to my grandpa so he can make swords out of them, I loved to play with swords. The first time i went to school I didn't have much of a blast. As soon as my mom left me alone to be in class, my eyes teared like a waterfall. The reason why my my mom came was because she needed to be my legal guardian and I felt more comfortable with her around the school. Though I cried on my first time being at the school, I slowly got used to it because of the friendly teachers and friends I had. I skipped preschool and i began kindergarten, in kindergarten we did daily counts to one-hundred. When recess would start we were able to play with wooden blocks and we would use those blocks to build structures and i loved playing with the building blocks. Though my first time being in school wasn't a …show more content…

My aunty had to finish college early so she could put more time into helping me. When there would be long breaks off of school she would bring me to town and spoil me to sweets and goodies. She would buy me ice cream, bring me to the arcade, and even brought me to a live staged movie play called “West Side Story”. Me and my aunty enjoyed the play very much because we used to watch the movie version at my grandparents house almost every night. I would miss my aunty whenever she was at work and when she would come back from work she would always bring home something sweet for me to eat. My aunty loved spoiling

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