Personal Narrative: Broken Bones

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Broken Bones
I can remember this night just like it was yesterday. It was a hot, humid Saturday night, in July, after my fifth grade year. It was two weeks after my birthday, which is June twenty-third. I had just got a new pair of skates. I didn’t think anything about checking the wheels on my skates or how loose they were or even if I could actually skate with them because I didn't have wooden floors at the times so If I skated it would have to be on the road, but that messes up the wheels, so I just waited for the day I came back skating to try them out. I’ve been skating since I was four, so wearing new skates isn’t going to be like a new day with new feet, well at least that’s what I thought. It was gonna be perfect, I was going …show more content…

After my birthday weekend, my family and I, all went to Harbor Island for a week or so. It was the family tradition to usually go there on my birthday, but this year we went the week after, so that meant no skating for me for awhile. I always go out to eat the Saturday after my birthday once I get back from the beach, but that year I went to the beach early the Saturday after my birthday till the next Sunday, and then out to eat the Saturday after we got back. That meant three Saturdays of no skating. BUt back to the real story, after all my friends were done coming up to me, I was ready to go skate. I noticed the floor was really shiny but I now had forgotten about my new slick skates that I had gotten at my birthday party the week before. I went out on the floor, made a few laps around and then one of my favorite songs came on. I looked around for my brother and his friends, but they were nowhere to be found, so I just started doing my own thing. I started swaying my skates in and out of each other, where the wheels would touch. By this time I wasn’t looking down at my feet anymore, and somebody I really liked walked in the door and It caught my attention. You know the puppy love, the guy who you fall head over heels for when you’re ten years old. Well that was him, he was older and my brother said I wasn't allowed to have a …show more content…

I can't bite into anything now. Even down to a simple little sandwich, I have to cut or break it apart because any minute my tooth could pop or break if I'm not too careful. My wrist, on the other hand, hurt very often, like when the weather changes, especially when It’s about to rain, it will ache to where I will need medicine, and if I move them in certain ways or around in a circle, they make loud pop noises and i can feel the joint move. My tooth aches and hurts a lot too, cold drinks and ice cream is now barely an option for me, because the nerve in my tooth was open. Half of my tooth is still real, but the other half is rock that they had to shape to connect and match the tooth beside it, and since it is not a full fake tooth there is a thin spot where when i drink something cold it can go through the thin line and aggravate my nerve and start shooting pains. I believe that everything happens for a reason and i definitely learned to not take certain things for granted that something so simple as falling at the skating ring can change your life dramatically, and this is my story of how my life changed

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