Personal Narrative: Board Game

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TIRAINE, no, RITINAE, no, INAIRET no…..INERTIA! INERTIA! I quickly place the tiles on the board in a moment of victory. Yes, I did just begin my personal statement with a bunch of mumbo jumbo nonexistent words. But this moment, my very first seven letter word in Scrabble, which means an extra fifty points added to your score, accurately represents the joy I feel when playing board games. I am a board game enthusiast. It began with games like Jenga and Chutes and Ladders, and today has evolved to include such mind boggling games as Boggle (guess how they thought of that name) and such strategic games as Risk. What I find so magical about board games is that they truly bring people together. I fondly look back on the crowning ceremonies …show more content…

Our engagements at work, school, and sports seem to take precedence over quality family time. In what little free time we have, we just sit alone in separate rooms, staring at our individual screens. Playing board games is one of the few times that we all sit down together as a family and just enjoy each others’ company. It’s true that Boggle may have helped me win my sixth grade spelling bee and Trivial Pursuit came in handy during my world history class, but to me, having fun with my family is more valuable than any of those skills. It can sometimes be difficult to justify activities that aren’t contributing to some greater personal goal, but living in the moment itself is a disappearing trait I’m happy to still possess. The fact that I’m able to balance my hectic schedule with these simple moments of pure fun is something I’m proud of. It’s when my brother tries to steal my Monopoly money when I’m not looking, or when my mom’s Pictionary drawing of a car somehow ends up looking like swiss cheese, or when my dad refuses to stop playing Rummikub until he wins, that I look around the table and realize that I am incredibly thankful for these cherished moments with the people I

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