Personal Narrative Analysis

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In middle school I never liked the objective of growing up, it was something that I dreaded. I worried about the responsibilities I would encounter in the future. In order to cope with my reality, I relied on everyone around me to help and complete everything for me. I was always shy and despised talking to people that didn’t have an obvious purpose in my life. I could easily have been referred to as antisocial. These traits feared me for growing up. I vividly recollect not wanting to get a job, schedule appointments, or even talk to new people. My antisocial behavior also created an intense fear or failure. As a young adolescent, I was distressed and concerned that I would never be able to get through these obstacles. During this period of my life, High school Years were rapidly approaching. High school had been my biggest concern, I felt as if i could not possibly be ready to take on the responsibilities, it seemed way too much to handle. …show more content…

I began changing and enjoying things that were not normally in my character. I found being involved in my school and community made me happy and enthusiastic about life. After this personal revelation, I was overcome by feelings of relief. As it turns out, life was not as nerve-racking as I had previously thought. I began to take on new responsibilities in my life that previously seemed too large to bear alone. I became comfortable with being uncomfortable which leads me to activities that I would never have participated in. I made a conscious decision to become socially engaged and started going to football games, joining the basketball and golf team, and taking time to genuinely connect with

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