Personal Narrative: A Warm-Up As A Soccer Player

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Everyday, I showed up to high school soccer practice at 4:10 pm to get my soccer gear on and be ready to do a team dynamic warm-up by 4:20 pm. Therefore, my teammates and I are ready to start practice at 4:30 pm. But, as I arrived to practice on a Friday afternoon, things seemed a little obscure and I couldn’t figure out what it was. I tried to go on as I usually do, putting on my shin guards, socks, cleats and inhaled a couple puffs of my inhaler. Then, as we began to get on the line to start warm-ups, my coach asked some girls to pump up the balls, so about 6 of us stopped what we were doing and grabbed our pumps. However, it was cutting into our warm-up time, but as one of the Senior Leaders, I decided we should wait to do the warm-up as a team, so we don’t leave anyone out. It seemed to make sense, since we always warm up as a team. After, the girls and I were done pumping up the balls, we started warm-up.. Then, two minutes into our warm-up, my coach sternly said, “girls this isn’t …show more content…

The coach came over to us and started to sternly scold us about how unorganized our bags were, and how practice was running late since warm-ups started late. It seemed like she was blaming us for practice starting later than usually, so before I could stop myself, I said, “you asked us to pump up the balls, so 5 or 6 of us stopped and pumped them up.” She said, “ah, what.” Then, I repeated myself, “we pumped up the balls, that’s why warm ups ran a couple of minutes late. Plus, I wanted everyone to warm up together.” It didn’t seem to be a big deal to me, since we weren’t responsible for the balls not being pumped up. Plus, she seemed to be in a rush to get to practice on time. My teammates and I seemed confused on why it was such a big deal, since it seemed obvious to everyone on why things were running later than

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