Personal Narrative: A Short Story

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October 12th 2013, I walked into a room with no clue of how drastic my life was going to change from that moment on. It had come in a time where I was not doing well, I was falling down a very dark rabbit hole and this audition was the first step I took to climb out of it. That day changed me. I felt alive again, I felt like I could begin to be myself again. Days after I received a call with the news that I had been chosen to join 4 other boys as part of a male group. There It was! The light at the end of the tunnel, my way out of the darkness. So I embarked on the journey, with so little knowledge of the music industry but full of hope and desire to grow and learn. After some trials and tribulations Phase Five was born and I was part …show more content…

I've traveled to places I never thought I would. I have amazing people from all around the world cheering me on and showing me love and support. People know my name, what?! It's crazy! I've become the man that I've always wanted to be thanks to Phase Five. I'm very proud of what we've achieved together and I feel extremely blessed to be a part of …show more content…

I don't know what I might find as I go, but I know I'll find my way. I've been telling you over and over to live life fearlessly yet I'm here hiding in fear of what the future might bring. I think it's enough, It's time to practice what I preach, show you who I truly am and be happy. To Odon & Jay -Thank you for teaching me day by day to be open minded and to be the best version of myself. To Lee- Thank you for being a light! For being the glue that brought us closer. For being an amazing human being and I hope one day I'm atleast half the man you are. And to Jeremiah- Thank you man! Thank you for giving me a chance. For choosing me out of the large group of guys who audition. For throwing the ladder down that rabbit hole I was in and helping me climb up. Thank you for teaching me about tolerance, about work ethic, about faith! Thank you for not turning your back on me even when I might've done you wrong. Thank you for showing me I can do anything I set my mind to and I'm sorry that I cannot be a part of this dream of yours. Boys being your bandmate has changed and shaped me. Thank you! I wish every single one of you much success! I'm excited, I'm hopeful, I'm confident, I'm focused, I'm ready! Again, Thank you for these amazing 3 1/2 years Phase Five and Vibers! I hope I continue to count with you on my

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