Personal Narrative: A Pivot Point In My Life

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Pivot points in life are when your life changes in one direction or another because of an experience. When thinking about these in my life i get drawn back to a time a couple of summers ago. This was the first time I went to EFY. This was a pivot point in my life because it changed my outlook on life. This experience impacted my life in a large way and changed my life forever. When I got to California I stayed with my cousins for a few days before I went off to this camp. I ended up getting so nervous and not wanting to go anymore. I was going all alone and didn't have any friends to comfort me. I started thinking… “What if I make no friends and have a terrible week?” Different scenarios kept on popping int my head. They were all bad. I went anyway, mainly against my own will. The first while was terrifying. I figured out how to make friends pretty fast and ended up being pretty conferrable. After I had one or two close friends we realized that it was kind of fun to go do things out of out comfort zone. My friends and I would give each other little tasks to do that put us out of our comfort zone. Pretty soon we would be sitting next to people sitting alone at lunch and talking to …show more content…

Before I came to this camp every time someone would try and dare me to do or say something, I wouldn’t even consider it. Throughout this week that I found out that I saying “no” or “I can’t” was not an option anymore. Every time those words ever came to my head from then on the words to follow were always “dang it. Why did I think that. Now I have to do it.” I also always make sure what ever I am doing is making me a better person. If someone told me to do drugs of course I would stick to my morals but otherwise I always find myself coming out of my shell a lot more and doing things that are hard for me to do but I know that I can now when I didn’t

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