Personal Life Reflection

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Life is something that cannot be measure or rated, because each person has a different importance to one person than to others, from there come the influence and the real value that we can give to other person´s life, so if we think on this, as others can be important and have influence in our life, same way our life is important and we can influence others by the way we live. I thought this concept was simple and my life was not of great importance to others, but this change when I participated in a workshop with a group of people from my job, in this workshop we made an exercise to learn and accept our importance in this world and in the life of others. First I needed to close my eyes and try to imagine that I never exist, what things would …show more content…

She passed away in May 2015. She was the kind of person you always want to be around, always caring and loving, but one thing I did not new until she was gone was her freedom in doing things, she lived happily because she always did the things that made her happy. That was the lesson she had stored for me, and I did no knew. I was working in a place that gave me certain satisfactions in life, but I was too comfortable. I always wanted to do more things, but I did not realize that I preferred the comfortable for been completely happy with the things that I was doing, more related to my professional life. After her funerary services, I ponder on her life and decide to give up the comfortable and be happier. I gave up my job of 4 years and changed to other that I always wanted. I cannot be more grateful for the example that Ludito gave to me, and I am completely sure that people can influence in our lives, she did in mine, so strong and beautifully, and I know this is part of the Plan of Salvation, because our Savior influence and change the life of many around the world. We should always ponder on the people that surround us because their life might mean more than we

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