Personal Experience: Selective Volunteering Service At Cape Cod

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Demonstration and dedication to one’s community comes with its values. It is because of actions taken in which the individual becomes the leader of their actions, the captains of their souls. While in school, many astounding credentials have left myself impressed by my own authority, blinded by the distance I have traveled amongst the world as only a mere, selfless figure in a world filled by wonder and opportunity.

Knowledge and interest are often acknowledged as keys for not only the mind, but for demonstration of character. As a member of a selective volunteering service at Cape Cod Hospital, by duties drained the emotion from my loose, chilled veins, depriving them of any logical process and leaving them to soak in an emotion-filled pit. Sauntering through the halls, I was surrounded by rooms that echoed with cries agonizing pain, sounding like vocal chords were being played like a violin with a meat cleaver. My duties consisted of moving patients throughout the hospital, running duties to ensure that each person had what …show more content…

As a young man of 16 years of age, many fellow students, including that of my teacher, view my actions as extraordinary through my love for science and the world in which we are encumbered by. As a result, I soon became the sole student throughout the district to take the SAT subject test, molecular Biology, as a sophomore. I viewed it as an effort to challenge my own authority and dedication to knowledge. With this daring and reckless act of testing my limits, I began to test my dream: to propel myself forward and become a saint-like figure as well as a young man who wishes to become the captain of my own desire: a desire to maintain my mind’s own leadership. It is only by my own hand that I can prove to myself the ability to push farther into deeper character and service through simple, equitable

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