Perseverance Reflection Paper

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I have often been told that I am self-aware, mature, and a compassionate person. All of these traits are likely the result of immersing myself in the community and school. I love helping people and creating positive change, which has lead me to take on a variety of leadership roles throughout my life. I still remember the first role I took on for my school. It was fourth grade and I volunteered to be an office monitor, someone who would stay in the office during lunch to take calls and assist those that came in, so the secretaries could take their break. It was something new and exciting that I had never done before and helped instill a sense of responsibility in myself and a new sense of appreciation for helping others.
I am really proud of …show more content…

When I was younger, my English grades were terrible and I struggled a lot with the subject. I remember the feeling of absolute failure and wanting to give up, but I was determined to prove that I was capable of getting an A. After many years of blood, sweat, and tears I improved my grades considerably and achieved my dream of being accepted into pre-AP.
Perhaps that is why I find perseverance so important to me. In life, there will always be difficult situations, like failing a test or making a speech, so I need the perseverance to fight and push through those challenges and accomplish my …show more content…

As a senior club member, I took on numerous responsibilities and gained many transferable skills. I have to be organized and detail-oriented while doing book repairs, cataloguing and shelving, but also efficient and friendly while assisting students with general inquiries.
Killarney Film and Theatre Production has created amazing plays over the years and is incredibly fun. The tech crew I'm in is responsible for all lights, curtains and sound, and as a senior, I lent a hand in organizing the crew and showing the ropes to new members.
Dragon boating requires teamwork, perseverance and diligence. This is an intense sport, so it was necessary for me to maintain fitness and show dedication by going to practice regularly (5+hrs/week). The most exciting part is participating in competitions. The most memorable one for me was Concord, an international competition.
As a salesperson at Urban Planet, the most important quality I had were discipline and resilience. I was soon accustomed to speaking with people on a regular basis, and since my organization and coordination skills are top notch, I was often assigned to the fitting

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