Perseverance In Dystopian Literature

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Hope and perseverance are two characteristics that can inspire just about anyone in almost any situation. Hope is defined ( ) as “the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best.” Perseverance is “steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement .” In The Unexpected Popularity of Dystopian Literature (2016), Finnson states that “The dystopian worlds are bleak, not because they are meant to stand as mere cautionary tales, but because they are designed to display, in sharp relief, the possibility of utopian change even in the darkest of circumstances .” All of these sources combined lead me to not only understand the elements of hope and perseverance in dystopian literature, but to also see them clearly in the dystopian literature that I have read. Within Parable of the Sower and The Road , the aspects of hope and perseverance are very prevalent themes that are shown in both novels in numerous ways and provide key details and symbols throughout the readings . In Parable of the Sower, Lauren never gives up. Throughout her …show more content…

Lauren's dad believes that God has a plan for them all and he relies on his belief of that as a way to hope that things will be okay for his family and his community. He shows this by preaching in his house on Sundays, and by risking a lot to leave the gated community to get Lauren baptized. After Lauren leaves, her faith and hope in religion sort of switches gears onto the development of her "Earthseed" religion. She adds more of the religion's goals and lessons to her journal daily and even begins to share it with her companions and starts their community based off of the teachings she's created within it. In the end she has hope of “Earthseed” growing and gaining a larger following throughout new

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