Perseus Is A Hero Essay

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Perseus is one of the many greek heroes whose stories are told in ancient Greek myths, but Perseus’s courageous actions have set him apart from the others. With his troubled childhood, his fearless attempt to slay Medusa and his bravery to save Andromeda, Perseus is truly the best example of a hero in all of greek mythology. The first paragraph will be focused around how his terrible past has helped Perseus become the amazing hero he is. The second paragraph will highlight how his fearlessness makes him superior to all of the other heroes. The third paragraph will be centered around how Perseus’s heroic act to save a damsel in distress signifies that he is a true hero. All of these points will again be summarized in the conclusion along with a restatement of the thesis. …show more content…

Perseus was born in a dungeon to Danae whose father never wanted her to have children. One day Zeus came into the dungeon in disguise and Perseus was born. When Danae’s father saw this he banished Danae and her child out the sea in a wooden chest, which is where Perseus spent a great deal of time helpless, scared and hungry: “In the darkness of that flimsy chest, Danae was numb with fear” (Creighton 89). This event, however did not damage Perseus but it made him a stronger and very protective of his mother. Polydectes, the king of Seriphos, wanted to marry Danae but Danae did not want to marry him: “Polydectes, however, was not daunted by Danae’s attitude, and he resolved to marry her with force. There was only one serious obstacle in his way, and that was her dare-devil son.” (Creighton 90). Perseus wanted to protect his mother and he would not let Polydectes marry Danae. He has gone from a helpless boy to a daring yet protective man showing that his terrible past has made him stronger, and this is essential for any great

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