Permissive Parenting Styles Essay

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Two Different Approaches to Raising the Children of Today Authoritarian Parenting Authoritarian parenting is characterized by reasonable demands and high responsiveness. While Authoritarian parents might have high expectations for their children, they also give their kids the resources coupled with the support they need to succeed. Parents who exhibit this style listen to their kids and provide love and warmth in addition to limits and fair discipline. Many believe that this type of parenting is the most effective. Several parents believe that kids raised by Authoritarian parents tend to have strong self-regulation skills, self-confidence, and happier attitudes. Permissive Parenting Permissive parenting is a type of parenting style characterized …show more content…

Authoritarian Parenting stems from eras far before us and revolves around a strict parental role, ideologically geared solely towards the success of the child, ignoring or unlatching certain entities that permissive parenting upholds. Permissive parenting, on the other hand, dives into a more lenient style of parenting with more open-minded ideas. Although these two styles differ in methods of raising a child or children, parents of both styles share the goal of striving for the success of their …show more content…

Unlike Authoritarian parents, permissive parents will not hover. They would mostly be in a separate room, giving the child space to concentrate and work on the assignment at their own pace. However, by not securing a stronghold the child tends to wander astray and begin to either idly stare away, watch television and/or play video games. With the leniency that permissive parenting offers children tend to become lax in their studies. Permissive parents even though they verbalize the significance of school fail to portray it and simply allows the child to do whatever they see fit. These children, unlike those raised by Authoritarian parents, fail to amass self-driven attributes pertinent for future

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