People Can Change Essay

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Do you think that people can change? The answer to the question varies depending on who you ask. I am a firm believer that people can change if they really want to, I know because I have changed for the better. In my adolescent years I was a well-known athlete in my high school. I played everything from football, to basketball, to track, and even baseball at one point, so the attention from my female peers was not a new thing. Everyone always says to enjoy your early 20’s and that is exactly what I did. I never imagined that I would be the type to marry someone, but when you meet the right person something just clicks and your entire way of thinking is altered, that is where Cristin C. comes into the picture.
In the past I would date girls, but the relationship never blossomed into anything really serious. All of that changed when I met Cristin, she was a breath of fresh air that I needed. Cristin was not just my girlfriend, but my best friend as well. She made me want to step up and be the man that she needed me to be. Early in our relationship I knew she was the one when I did not even have thoughts about other girls. I could be myself around her, she …show more content…

I went from being a player to a faithful husband who is madly in love with his wife. Truth is, people will only change when they find someone who makes them realize that the change is needed. Lucky for me, I found someone to love and build a strong partnership with and someone would not keep bringing up my past mistakes and notice the changes that were being made. My wedding day is something that I would never forget and to have both of our families together, not just a bride side and a groom side, but a “sit anywhere because we are all family” side. Providing for my family and having the support of my wife and the rest of my family is what motivates me to be the best man and husband that I can

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