Peer & Self Assessment

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significant and larger gain than the peer-grading and control groups (Sadler & Good, 2006). This idea of learning through self- and peer-assessment may be applicable to self- and peer-quizzing.
Self-Generated Questions
Researchers have suggested that students should create questions to enhance their learning (Foos, Mora, & Tkacz, 1994; King, A., 1991). Foos et al. (1994) conducted their study with 210 introductory psychology students. The students were divided into seven groups. The groups included “control, given an outline, given study questions, given study questions with answers, told to generate an outline, told to generate study questions, and given study questions with answers” (Foos et al., 1994, 569). In one experiment, half the students in each group were given one form of a test while the remaining students were given a different form. Then the groups were allowed to study under different conditions, and they were encouraged to do well. A second test was administered two days later. Foos et al. (1994) found that the students who created their own questions with answers were the most successful test-takers of all the groups. King (1991) tested 56 ninth grade students enrolled in honors world history classes. After the pretest and lectures, the groups had different tasks. The self-questioning and reciprocal peer-questioning group of students generated their own questions and peer-quizzed each other. The students in the self-questioning only group independently created their own questions and answers. The review group divided into smaller groups and discussed the lecture material while the members of the control group studied individually. King (1991) found that the two groups who utilized the self-questioni...

... middle of paper ... periods for each lesson within a unit will consume too much time. The time factor needs to be analyzed further.
A review of the literature indicates that self- and peer-quizzing can enhance learning. With increased learning, students can improve their performance on tests. Students should start by creating their own study questions and answering them. Doing this action properly, the students will study the content in-depth. Then they should quiz themselves. This will help them identify concepts that they need to study further. Next, they should have reciprocal peer-quizzing. This collaborative activity will help students increase their understanding as they explain their questions and answers. They will not simply memorize the material for the test time, but the students will also retain the information for later retrieval.

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