Peer Review Paper

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Completing a peer review for Media Cultures and industries was difficult but resourceful. It was a challenge to articulate a response to the students as I struggled to find faults. It was also hard to be forward and straight to the point. However, the feedback I received was highly helpful and lead me to creating a stronger video for my revised submission. The feedback received in both peer reviews was profoundly useful. I was glad to see my peer’s praise my work as well as provide constructive criticism. Both reviews supplied detailed comments, which allowed me to easily adjust my video for the second submission. The feedback received advised me to include text into the video to allow the audience to follow the voice over. This was easily incorporated into my revised submission. Another common criticism was to make a larger connection …show more content…

Although writing the review was somewhat difficult, the reviews received were highly beneficial and assisted in my knowledge of Media Cultures and Industries. I believe peer reviews are resourceful and helps with an understanding of the unit. As discussed in Mark Ware’s research, “the large majority of authors (around 90%) were clear that peer review had improved their own last published paper.” (Ware, 2008, p. 12). I was easily able to incorporate majority of the feedback received into my second video submission. It was also beneficial to review others work as it created a better understanding of the unit and what was required for the video. An ideal peer review for me would involve an equal mix of both praise on strengths and constructive criticism on weaknesses. It would also not include bias responses, such as a student not agreeing with the message and judging based on that rather than the video itself and relation to course content. Therefore, writing reviews had its challenges however, it benefited my knowledge of the unit and its course

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