The Impact Of Media On My Life

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Media In My Life
Over these past 5 days I have been asked to not only record, but check my consumption of my media intake. At first I thought “ this assignment seems odd, I certainly don 't use or interact with media 8 hours on average like studies say. There 's no way”. But after these five days I can say without a doubt that my initial observations were way off target. Thought the monitoring and recording process I found that on a daily average I am exposed to about 7 hours of media a day. A number I thought I would be nowhere near at the start of the 5 day process. But by digging deeper and deeper into my actual recordings I found many of the answers to not only why my consumption was so high, but also what forms of media were making it such a high number.

One of the first things that I noticed in my closer examination of my data was that while a good amount of my media usage came for my own personal use, I found that an astonishing amount of media was thrown my way unintentionally. To be more specific on average I was exposed unintentionally to media about 1 hour everyday. I encountered this 1 hour through music played at either the Cafe or the Gym/ Rec Center. As well as many television channels such as ESPN, CNN, and TMZ all which were playing while I was at the school gym. Other examples of unwanted media that I came into contact with was fliers, banners, and poster located in or outside of the Cafe. To me these numbers were staggering and almost a wake up call, making me realize just how much I come into unwanted Media every day and it just goes over my head. Now if we switch to my personal media consumption I find my recordings to also be a little more than I expected. From what I could see the types of media...

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... was accomplished my goal of going media silent and learned that I don 't truly need Media to be in my life 24/7.

In the end this assignment was one that was not only eye-opening, but also one that had some personal fulfillment was well. I was able to truly access my own personal usage and see not only how it compared to others but also show me that I needed to really think and question myself about if I truly need to use Media as much as I currently do. Along with this the Media silent day also showed me that we don 't need to be connected with the media for our lives to function normally and that in fact we as humans can be much more productive without it, something that I was able to experience first hand over these 5 days. What I learned about my media consumption I know I will carry with me not only throughout this year but hopefully my entire life as well.

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