Peanut Butter And Jelly Case Summary

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Strengths Ingrid is capable of responding to simple directions. She has good family support and has no problem with sensation, hearing, as well as vision. She recognized her family when they come to visit her at the rehabilitation hospital and was even joyful during the visit. She expressed how much she misses her family, especially the kids. She understands that she is not at home and wishes to go back to reunite with her family again. Inabilities Ingrid required moderate assist with all ADL due to her physical and cognitive level of function. She requires minimum assistance physically and frequent verbal cues for wheelchair mobility as well as all the other transfers. She tends to get distracted when performing a task. Not only does she have …show more content…

The patient will need to practice making this peanut butter and jelly sandwich with the therapist until mastering. First, the therapist will bring the ingredients and the supplies needed for this sandwich. The supplies and ingredients are breads, a jar of peanut butter, a jar of jelly, and a plastic knife. 2) The patient will be asked to take two slices of bread and place them flat on the plate. 3) The therapist will help the patient by taking the lids off of the jar of peanut butter and the jar of jelly. 4) The patient will take the plastic knife to gather the peanut butter and place it on the bread. 5) Spread the peanut butter on the bread. 6) With the other side of the bread, Ingrid will put the jelly on the bread. 7) Spread the jelly onto the bread. 8) Put the pieces of bread together and the sandwich is ready to eat. Before the session ends both the therapist and the patient will write the steps down together so she can remember due to her short term memory. This activity will be repeated before the end of the session to ensure that the patient understand and capable of completing it with less verbal cues within the next session. During this activity this patient will always be reminded to put safety first. In between the cooking activity, Ingrid will requires to take a break because of her decreased attention …show more content…

It was noted that Ingrid has decreased attention span and requires moderate assistance for all ADLs. In order to increase her attention span the therapist will provide a compensatory technique by starting off the upper body dressing technique in a quiet environment. Then the patient will write the steps it takes to perform a one-handed dressing down due to Ingrid’s poor short term memory. The patient will take a 5 minutes break than return to continue to learn to dress herself. 1) Ingrid will be asked to grasp the shirt collar with the right side and shake out twists. 2) She will position shirt on lap with inside facing up and collar toward chest. 3) Position sleeve opening on the right side so that it is as large as possible and close to the left hand. 4) Using the right hand, place left hand in sleeve opening and work sleeve over elbow by pulling on garment. Ensuring the sleeve is placed over the elbow will prevent shoulder injuries when placing the shirt over the head. 5) Put the right arm into its sleeve and raise up to slide or shake sleeve into position past elbow. After step 5, Ingrid will take another 5 minutes break. 6) With the right hand, gather shirt up middle of back from hem to collar and raise shirt overhead. 7) Lean forward, duck head, and pass shirt over it while the therapist is holding the patient with a gait belt for safety. 8) With the right

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