Paul Graham's How To Do What You Love

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For most people, a job that they love is only in their dreams and doesn’t seem like something that will ever happen. Author, Paul Graham, wrote this essay, “How To Do What You Love”(2006), to inform and entertain his readers about the importance of finding an occupation that can be loved for the rest of one’s life in order to succeed in that job. This essay incorporates many pieces of informative advice with the main point of “do what you love.” He elaborates on this by illustrating how children are brought up assuming that work is not supposed to be fun, but he believes that it is possible to find work that is gratifying. Graham is able to convey his points very well through his great use of organization and his supporting details to his thesis. The organization is a crucial criterion when writing an essay. This essay is organized to make the reader have a better perception of what Graham’s main points are, and he does this by placing the most …show more content…

These both support his thesis because they give advice for finding a job they will love. Supporting details are extremely important because, without them, the essay would not tie back to one topic. They help keep the readers engaged by providing facts that bolster Graham’s claim.
The goal of this essay is to inform people that anything is possible and they can find a job that they love for the rest of their working life. Graham effortlessly accomplished his goal through his use of organizational skills and supporting details to his thesis. “How To Do What You Love” is an essay that amalgamates a lot of advice that other authors have trouble getting across to their audience. Paul Graham undoubtedly disseminated his information in a way that all of his readers will receive worthwhile information from the

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