Patients’ privacy and satisfaction in the emergency department: A descriptive analytical study

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Particularly in medical and nursing settings, privacy is recognized as a basic human right. Should be noted, it’s essentially complex and vague to define while being reviewed. It’s defined in the context of four aspects [solitude, intimacy, anonymity and reserve] but overall recognized in two forms; autonomy and confidentiality. Little attention paid to privacy patients in many medical centers. It’s essential to observe privacy, to establish an effective medical team-patients relationship; patient serenity. Today, with technology available, observing privacy and confidentiality should be more acute. Patient satisfaction levels have been identified as major indicators of quality of care and are influenced by a range of factors (Nayeri & Aghajani, 2010).
Impact of sociocultural factors on the understanding of privacy has been realized by researchers being of importance to Iran. The study is designed to investigate extent to which ER medical teams respect privacy of patients and the association with patients’ satisfaction. Nurses are responsible for 24HR care of patients; results of s...

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