Writing My Own Eulogy

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The following essay details what would be if I was given the responsibility of writing my own eulogy.

First and foremost, I was a great man. I wore my heart on my sleeve and never held anything back when it came to expressing myself. I wasn't good at hiding my emotions, which often got the better of me, but the sincerity in my heart was probably my most endearing quality.

I was a good kid. My mind was everywhere. Perhaps I was a little stubborn, but I always had a passion for learning. I kept that passion all the way through adulthood. I considered a day without learning something new as a wasted day. I was a voracious reader, and always had a book nearby. Occasionally at parties, I would slip into the bathroom for a few minutes to get a …show more content…

Living in an area which rains for much of the year, I have grown to love and appreciate the constant gray skies and rich, dark green trees. I always wanted to go out on walks, or hikes, just to take in the fresh air and the life within our atmospheric walls. In the past, I would take weekly visits to the beach. If you're familiar with this area, you'd know that very few actually go to the local beaches for the sand or sun. I went to the beach for the sunsets. Even on the coldest, cloudiest day, the skies would break just enough over the horizon and allow the colors of the sleeping sun to shine over the water. It was where I was most at peace. At peace with the world and with myself.

I held a deep passion for all things literature and nature, as well as combat sports. I struggled heavily when it comes to living in this world and making an impact on the people around me. While I was always concerned with world issues, I believed that I was nowhere near the position to make a difference. I always said that there were much smarter and more passionate people to resolve all the problems in the world. I believed that I simply was just an insignificant piece of sand in a beach. I always preferred to be stuck in my own world, only leaving my comfort zone to give smiles, hugs and

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