Pass Fail System Essay

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Grading is very important in a student’s life. Countless of schools, colleges, and universities have begun to change the way they view and assess student scores. Glenbard North High School is among them. Within recent times, there has been a petition in motion for changing from the standard A, B, C, D and F grading system to the plain pass/fail system.While the pass/fail system has its advantages, the standard grading system shows that it is clearly the best way to measure the understanding of a student. For a start, the pass/fail system implements less of a stressor for students. Throughout their time in High School, teens are seen doing all that they can to receive the highest grade. As said in Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, “It’s troublesome to do right and ain’t no trouble to do …show more content…

Some might describe students on the pass/fail system as: “Well, it made me sick to see it; and I was sorry for them poor pitiful rascals” (Twain 230). Colleges could, in theory, accept a ‘passing’ student into an Ivy League university. If the passing student had a C in the standard scale, he, in return, will definitely have trouble working through the harder class. Equally, a passing student with an A on a standard scale may only be able to accepted into a community college or a less successful university because the schools don't understand how to interpret the pass/fail system. Huck says “Jim he allowed stars was made, but I allowed they happened” (Twain 118). Good grades only happen in the pass/fail system, but in the standard system, students earn their good grade. In other words, the standard A, B, C, D, and F system illustrates the best option. The standard system tends to motivate students to excel. In fact, the standard system rewards students, especially those who have good merit and notably do their best work. The standard system provides the best learning experience for students and

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