Should Colleges in America use the grade scale or a pass-fail scale?

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Colleges in America grade students academically for successful careers. For years students grades were calculate by an alphabetic/numeric grade scale. Today colleges are questioning whether grades should be determined by continuing to use a grade scale or switch to a pass/fail scale. Although, there were numerous of factors both positive and negative about a pass/fail system to take into consideration before making a decision. I feel that colleges in America should continue to use a grade scale to convey to students that grades have consequences, open doors to opportunity, and alleviates perturbation.
Students understand the consequences of low grade averages, so they constantly evaluate grades by keeping up with their averages. Low grades cause academic probation. During the probationary period students are encouraged to focus on applying themselves to bring grade averages up to standards. While focusing on averages, students are able to change their study habits or learning styles for instance; some students learn by hands-on-training and others by reading comprehension. The grade scale can determine if a student needs further instructions or tutoring. One the other hand, students study habits play an important role in their grades. If a student makes the wrong decisions about studying and preparing for class their grades will suffer drastically. Study habits need to be evaluated and processed for tips to succeed.
The grade scale furnishes students with superior achievements the opportunities to receive Scholarships. The grade scale allows professors and colleges to average a point value for academic reviewing. The chart below shows the different level of achievement for a grade scale and a pass/fail scale. The grade scale f...

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...ed to do in order to complete or achieve greater grade standards. Students are more focused in the classrooms. Students would be able to plan study time and absorb what they are learning. By alleviating perturbation, students would be capable of relaxing and resting at bedtime preparing them for a productive day ahead.
However, the grade scale convey to students that grades have consequences, open doors to opportunity, and alleviates perturbation. As a result, colleges’ academic progress will promote a higher graduation status. Overall, students are able to receive and apply for a variety of scholarships by their multiple levels of achievement. Only grade scale can produce success.

Works Cited

University of Minnesota Resources. One Stop Student Services. 2010. Web. 5 May 2014.
University of Minnesota Resources. One Stop Student Services. 2010. Web. 5 May 2014

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