Partying with Friends and the Consequences

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“ Party, Party, Party lets all get wasted”, we cheer outside in the parking lot vociferous after the long nail biting basketball game, the Knights were champions of the Lanier Land tournament. Knowing how much this meant to our school and the county the Knights were going to celebrate! Everyone knew where it was going to go down at, everyone knew what to bring. It was like a planned out Oscars in half an hour during the halftime show. Of course Ivan was known to have the budda (marijuana), and so I had to be there and so were all my “friends”. We all had each other’s backs, so we said nothing would separate us. Everyone is around when things are well, until something goes wrong then we see who still stands by your side. We drive off into the night and party like new years in the 80s. Were all thinking nothing will stop us were invincible, little do we know things will turn sour before dawn. I get in the car with two of my other buddy’s and drive off from the party; Chris decides to make a trip to the gas station for some late night snacks. As were leaving the gas station a cop dec...

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