Painting My Future: A Short Story: Painting My Future

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Painting My Future There are tens and thousands of stories around us, in the books, in the TV programs, and in the movies. But only a few of them leave a deep impression on our minds because they are heart touching. Look around you, you will find on your own such a story. It would not be a surprise if the story turns out to be "your life." That is because stories are same, differences lie only in dealing with your own story. This is a short story that tells the same thing that everybody has problems, but the difference lies in dealing with the problems. It also gives a glimpse of a life of those who has struggled so far to achieve the basic necessities of life and in the end, their struggle and compassion for others bring an abundance of good fortune for them. 1,2,3, 4, 5, 6,……She started counting numbers. Her plain white frock was a charm for her mother. Mother loved her frock and more than that she loved to see her little princess looking like a doll in that white pretty frock. Sanya was years old, the apple of the eye of her parents. Her father used to call her doll. …show more content…

Sanya was still sleeping, and venturing into her world of fairy dreams. Satish opened the gate and went out, Mamta followed him to see off. As he started the scooter, his doll came running out from the bed and came straight to the gate. But papa was gone by then. Mamta came inside, closed the gate and smilingly said to Sanya, "C'mon dear, brush your teeth and get ready for your school. I have made your favorite paranthas today for your lunch box." Mamta loved to prepare tiffin for Sanya and especially when it was on her

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