Pain And Suffering In 'The Tragedy Of Romeo And Juliet'

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Love in everything is almost always glamorized, but the pain in love is not often brought up. The downside to love often goes unnoticed. The downside to love is what the media doesn't portray. Like when we read books and watch movies of the princesses and princes enjoying their happily ever after. Or when in everything that we read, watch, or listen to about love prepares us for the joy and happiness of love, except for the pain and sorrow that comes with it. However, in the popular play titled, “The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet” by Shakespeare, Taylor Swift’s song titled, “Love Story”, and in the movie titled, “Me Before You” the pain in love is noticed and taken note of by the audience.

In “The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet” a doomed love is the core of this play. The sorrows and pain in love are emphasized and taken note of by a worldwide …show more content…

In this movie, two strangers fall in love, one of the main characters named Will Traynor has been paralyzed and is dying. The movie is based on the assisted suicide of Will Traynor. His lover and caretaker Louisa Clark however, has no idea that he is planning on doing an assisted suicide. The pain that comes from getting to know each other, the character’s personal lives and the separation by death of the two main characters and lovers is heartbreaking. In the heart-wrenching scene where Clark finds out that Traynor will have an assisted suicide he says, “And if you do love me, Clark, as you say you do, the thing that would make me happier than anything is if you would come with me. So I'm asking you - if you feel the things you say you feel - then do it. Be with me; give me the end I'm hoping for.” In the movie, song, and play the heartwrenching and dull reality of pain is the most prominent part and is the core of the

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