Pablo Freire's Philosophy on Education and Banking

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Education is the core of humanity and its teaching has been mistreated. Based on Paulo Freire’s theory, education has been torn apart from its truthful purpose. It is now used to alienate human beings instead of promoting unity. Throughout this chapter, Chapter 2 in Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed, he concentrates in the teacher-student relationship in classrooms. He sees education as information that is being passed on or “banked” from teachers to students. This is what Freire refers to his concept of “banking education”. He also introduces numerous examples and other diverse concepts in his philosophy; for example, his proposition to confront the “banking” concept, the problem-posing education. Therefore, there is no need to search any further for what Paulo Freire illustrates as evident. Education is in crisis and it is up to the people in society to decide if they want to change it or not. Dropouts, illiteracy, violence and drug abuse in schools are some of the realistic reasons that prove the poverty of educational systems. Our society can benefit from Paulo Freire’s philosophy of education because the proposal he presents, problem-solving education, allows Puertorricans of all social classes to develop certain critical abilities which could, at any time, be used to defend themselves in any kind of social, political, or cultural environment. A method based on identifying, analyzing and taking action upon all kind of problems has to be developed in order to become liberated.

Since Puerto Rico’s education system has been suffering a crisis of structure and organization, the education issue in Puerto Rico is one that must be treated with plentiful delicacy. Education in Puerto Rico has become yet another headache f...

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...tion may present; which some imply not allowing critical abilities to develop. A fight for the right of an evenhanded schooling should be present always because nothing should privatize someone from their own education. Teachers and students are now able to establish and promote creative lessons that will fulfill in multiple ways each other. These lessons may associate both “banking” and “problem-posing” concepts; it all depends if a appropriate usage is given or not. In addition, creating critical awareness for a better forthcoming must unquestionably put to practice all of these procedures. Education in Puerto Rico, especially public education, must be rescued from the giant bureaucracy and return it to its essential mission with students, starting in the classroom. As a wise Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world”.

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