Pablo Escobar Research Paper

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Pablo Escobar is one of the most notorious if not the most notorious drug dealers ever to walk this planet. Columbian born, Pablo Escobar was the leader of the largest cocaine processing and distributing organizations in the world. With a net worth of over fifteen billion dollars in American currency he was listed on Forbes as the seventh richest man during his reign. Pablo Escobar is one of the most influential and feared persons to ever live in Columbia. He had the money and the power to influence other people in Columbia that were also very well respected and powerful. He was a powerful person in the drug trade, smuggled his inventory across the world to Miami, and invented his own prison to ensure his safety. Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria, a Colombian criminal who is head of the Medellín cartel, was …show more content…

As the cocaine industry grew in Colombia—thanks in part to its proximity to Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia, major growers of coca, from which cocaine is derived. Escobar became involved in drug smuggling. In the mid-1970s he helped found the crime organization that later became known as the Medellín cartel. His notable partners included the Ochoa brothers: Juan David, Jorge Luis, and Fabio. Escobar served as head of the organization, which focused largely on the production, transport, and sale of cocaine. By the mid-1980s the Medellín cartel dominated the cocaine trade, with Escobar wielding incredible power and wealth. According to some reports, he was worth approximately $25 billion, which supported a lavish lifestyle that included a 7,000-acre estate in Colombia, where he housed giraffes, hippopotamuses, and camels, among other animals. He also funded various projects to aid the poor, earning him comparisons to Robin Hood. That perception helped Escobar win election to an alternate seat in the country’s Congress in 1982. He handled problems with “plata o plomo,”

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