PEAT 1 Reflection

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The hardest part of this exam was to apply the concepts/ knowledge learned during the semesters and use them to answer clinically based scenarios. During the semesters, we are thought the material in bit and pieces, but in order to effectively perform on this test it is important to put all the concepts learned together. This test was very abstract in about 75% of the questions and concrete in about 25% of this test. This exam required clinical thinking, sequencing of practice guidelines, and overall medical normative values. While studying for the PEAT 1, I over looked the little details and skipped onto the bigger more concrete concepts such as definitions, anatomy, etc. instead of understanding concepts as a whole. However, what I found …show more content…

I would start on the musculoskeletal section, take notes and try to cram/ understand as many concepts as possible then during my next study section I switch to the neuromuscular section of the practice booklet. I started to do this because I was so nervous and did not think I would be able to learn all the information in a short amount of time. I tried to do a little bit of everything which in returned resulted in a low score. I failed to follow my usually study plan which I mentioned in my pervious study plan assignment. I felt that I just didn't not have enough time and began to panic as date to take the PEAT got closer. The lesson learned on the my first attempt of the PEAT exam is to relax and try to do a little bit at a time. I learned that rushing as many sections as possible results in a low retention of the important information/concepts necessary for my success on this test. I scored very poorly on each subsection because I chose to skim the book and study the things that I thought would be “important” as a result of a short study time frame.I also learned that it is imperative to read every question and answer choice carefully. I made a lot of mistakes by choosing questions quickly instead of taking my time to read the question slowly and think of why an answer was more correct than the

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