Outstanding Teacher Qualities

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Describe the skills or attributes you believe are necessary to be an outstanding teacher.

One of the most important skills that are necessary to be an outstanding teacher is getting to know the whole child/student in your classroom. It's vital that every student feels valued and a sense of belonging in the classroom and that comes from a teacher that is kind, encouraging, caring, respectful and passionate about learning and teaching. When a teacher carries those attributes, he or she is able to engage all students in discourse and instruction. An outstanding teacher also has good classroom management skills that promote safe, positive and respectful behaviors and interactions and effective work habits. The skill and attribute that align with good classroom management is …show more content…

A pre-assessment will not only inform me on what students know but also help me differentiate instruction for my students. This can be conducted through discussions, graphic organizers, and journals. These activities allow me to gauge what students know. Students might produce or participate in a performance-based assessment to show what they've learned. Performance-based assessments assess students' understanding on a deeper level by showing what students internalized and by applying the knowledge they've learned through authentic situations. When a student fails to demonstrate proficiency, I will first analyze the aspects of the assessment or task that the student or students struggled with. Also, I will look at students' learning styles and interests. From there, I will devise a plan of action with strategies and supports and I will group students together who have similar areas of need. Then, I will reteach adjusting the delivery of content by using a different instructional approach from the one I used in initial content. I will assess again with the same task, but with different

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