Outside The Law Summary

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To begin with, I find the story Outside the Law quite interesting that is told by the priest to Joseph K. in the cathedral. One reason why this story is interesting it represents how people can be deceiving. Usually most people are deceiving in many ways. Some includes lying and lack of honesty. As the priest describes the story Outside the Law, Joseph K. learns that a man is being deceive by a doorkeeper. The man has an interest in the law, so he takes the initiative to ask the doorkeeper if he can be allowed into the law, but is quickly denied and told maybe later. Throughout this story, the doorkeeper is being deceiving towards the man. He’s giving false hope to the man by encouraging him to try and bypass the doorkeepers in order to gain …show more content…

In addition, I like how the priest and Joseph K. gave both their opinions about this story. It gives readers two different perspectives on how Joseph K. and the priest interprets this story. I agree with Joseph K. opinion’s on how he believes the doorkeeper deceived the man, because he is absolutely right that is exactly what he did. In some way, I disagree with the priest perspective on the doorkeeper. He states, “and you must remember that he was only a doorkeeper, and as such he did his duty” (pg. 155). Yes, the doorkeeper has a specific job to do, but in a way he did not completely fulfill his job as a doorkeeper because he denied the man access to the law, but in the end the access to the law is actually granted to the man, so he should have never been denied. Furthermore, I believe this story ties to Joseph K. In this novel, The Trial, Joseph K. faces being deceived by the law as well. During his hearing he realizes that the people in the court who he classified as during his hearing half of the room will applaud and support him, however; on the other side of the room people will do the opposite. Eventually he quickly begins to see badges on both groups collars and realizes that they are working together against him. This is an example of how Joseph K. is being deceive as well. Overall, I understand why Joseph K. will have such an opinion towards the doorkeeper because

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