Outline Humanistic Psychology

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Describe and outline Humanistic approach to psychology

The humanistic psychology is one of the approach which studies the whole person as a human being and the individuality of each person. This approach was first studied by an American psychologist Carl Rogers (1902 - 1987) in the late 50s. This was mainly founded due to the concerns from the therapists regarding the limitations of the psychoanalysis. Rogers thought that the psychoanalysis failed to fully account and deal with the nature of healthy growth in an individual. The focus of Rogers of psychology was different to the other, such as Skinner (behavior), Freud (unconscious), Wundt (thinking), but focused psychology to the study of the self. This approach opposed the limitations of the behaviorist and psychodynamic psychology, therefore it is seen as the third force in psychology. As it is study towards the unique aspects of individual human experiences(idiographic), it values the subjective feelings and conscious thought of the person.

There are five core features in the humanistic approach; first, human beings must be viewed as a whole and not reduced to component parts, second human beings are unique and must be valued as such, third human consciousness includes an awareness of oneself in the context of the other people, forth, human beings …show more content…

Also Rogers believed that the close relationship toward the client will help to client to be brought to a state of realisation, allowing clients to help themselves. Due to this aspect, PCT is a talking therapy, where therapist supports the client to show their hidden feelings and perceptions. Also, the therapist are used to listen and reflect back to the clients, not suggesting the directions on how they can change. This allowed the client to have free will for a

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