Outdoor Tourism Essay

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Fishing is one of the most popular forms of outdoor recreation in the United States. Estimates of the rate of participation and number of persons 16 years and older participating range from 17% or 35.2 million to 29% or 57.9 million (USDOI and USDOC 1997; Cordell et al.1999).Fishing is popular outdoor activity than other activities because it low cost and physical demands. From an economic demand standpoint, more anglers to choose destinations that are similar in quality, nearby, and at lower cost so they can make more trips than they would to more distant destinations (Loomis and Walsh 1997).
Ecotourism is a component of a broader category of tourism -nature tourism. The main attraction in nature tourism is a natural-resource based destination …show more content…

For example, northern Bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) has been documented in ocean waters ranging from 2.8to 30.6°C, while maintaining relatively constant internal body temperatures (~25°C)- up to 21°C above ambient temperatures (Block et al., 2001). In addition to water temperature, factors such as oxygen content, prey availability, ocean fronts, zooplankton, salinity, islands, seamounts, and the presence of other organisms (seabirds, porpoises) have been hypothesized to correlate with the abundance and distribution of these species (Worm et al., 2005).
Billfish or sailfish are comprised of two families, Xiphiidae and Isotiophoridae which include three genera with eight identified species (Collete et al., 2006) .These two families of billfish are well known as pelagic fish (Fierstine, 1997) in open ocean. Due to their pelagic swimming behaviour, billfish prey on other pelagic fish as their …show more content…

Teleosts are common prey for billfish regardless of the distribution of billfish in the ocean (Vaske Jr et al., 2011). Billfish fast in swimming because have large surface areas of gill lamellae that help in gas transfer and use ram ventilation to pass water through their gill (Wegner et al., 2010). Highly migratory in tropical and temperate waters world-wide (IOTC, 2011), billfish also exhibit sexual dimorphism in maximal size, growth rates, and age at maturity; females reach larger sizes, grow more rapidly, and mature later than

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