Out-Sourcing Mothering Analysis

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Society today is becoming more and more reliant on the concept of “out-sourcing Mothering” through the use of child care centres. This is creating major problems in today's society and become more and more evident as we watch our children grow up. Due to the lack of time the Mother is spending with the child, it makes it difficult for the child to receive the nurture and attention it needs to form good relationships. When these things are lacking in early life, children are affected later in life during school with lack of self-esteem, respect, and behavioural issues. Many parents feel the pressure to both work to financially provide, however, it is clear that the social benefit of Mothers raising children at home by far outweighs the financial …show more content…

This is only possible if the Mother is the primary carer of the child. It is necessary for the natural development of a child’s emotions and family relationships that it’s Mother stays home to look after, comfort and help the child feel love. Women were created with a more natural ability to nurture children because of their gentler nature and maternal instincts. Some people believe that these maternal skills and instincts are enhanced during pregnancy. After watching an experiment conducted by Dr. Edward Tronick investigating the effect of a lack of attention given to a child, I have concluded that babies must have the one-on-one attention of their carers in order to fully thrive and develop in their early years. This one-on-one care is just not available in a child care setting. Almost half of all Australian children under the age of 12 attend some sort of child care. Do you want such a large percent of the population to grow up feeling lonely and uncared for by their parents in the coming years because of the lack of attention child care gives? To really understand the importance of this, search ‘Dr Edward Tronick + Still Face Experiment’, on YouTube to watch the experiment and …show more content…

This becomes particularly obvious in senior years of schooling when students show a lack of respect for peers, teachers, and property. Due to a lack of self-esteem in youth raised through child care, bullying is becoming more common in schools, whether it's face-to-face, or through social media. We obviously need to act now and change the way we are raising our children so that they can have self-esteem and respect in order to have meaningful relationships with their peers and family.
Many parents feel the pressure to provide above and beyond the basic needs of their families. Society puts pressure on parents to provide beautiful homes, regular holidays, and the latest phones and gadgets for their children. Making them feel that if they don’t they are somehow failing as a parent. Young children do not really care about ‘things’, but would much rather have your time, not money. In the long-term, it is far more beneficial for families if the mother can stay home as a full-time

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