Argumentative Essay On Mothering

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According to the article “Rather than confirming the home as a haven from the heartless world, this study has revealed the heartlessness of the system in which mothers and nannies are caught,” the researcher wants people to know, instead of that the child becoming a well respectful adult in society, there is a possibility that the child will experience some trouble in becoming that person in his/her later life, because of the constant conflict between mothers and nannies; puppeteer is the main reason for these conflict. The article researchers emphasize the role of the nannies, “These women found meaning in their work, despite its low pay and devaluation by the client families, because they themselves gave inherent value to at-home mothering. Ultimately, however, this strategy ran afoul of the realities of their situation. …show more content…

“The logic of intensive mothering, particularly as it applies to middle- and upper-middle-class mothers, therefore seems to be the greatest barrier to solving the problems detailed in this book….Nearly all mothers, for instance, feel they ought to be at home with their children, ought to want to be at home with their children, and ought to be their children’s primary parent.” Pg. 201 This quote from Untangling the Mother-Nanny Knot emphasizes on the fact that these working mothers need to let go a of that temperament that they must keep the nanny, their spouse and anyone else away from their child at any cost. Because they are not able to be there for their kids they can rest their mind knowing that the person with their child when they are not present is someone that will love them and care for them no matter what, and all the working mother must do is let go just a

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