Original Writing - The Conflict.

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Original Writing - The Conflict He could hardly see anything. It was dark, wet and the

road was slippery, it was just after nine o'clock. There was no sight

of anybody on the windy, everlasting roads, except for him. Then all

of a sudden two headlights appeared from the far away distance. The

brightness blinded his eyes, but he didn't care so he carried on and

predictably tried to clip the victim's car causing the victim a

surprising shock, but the burning rubber tires slipped on the wet

road, causing him to slide off, knocking the other car as he slid. The

other car rolled 3 or 4 into the muddy banking on the side of the


Sven quickly struggled out of his car, and scrambled towards the other

car only to find that it was a pile or wreckage. He forced open the

crushed door and saw a dead body with blood everywhere. So Sven knelt

down on his knees and the man had a nametag, his name was Ryan. Sven

knew he had committed manslaughter. So he picked up the bloody body

very slowly and walked down the road with it in his hands. He saw a

nearby river flowing pretty fast, so he walked up to it, looked over

the edge and threw the body into it. Sven was a nasty man who treated

his family like dirt and didn't care for them or anybody, only

himself. He had a very bad criminal record with the police yet to find

him, as he had changed his name several times already.

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