Organizational Behaviour

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Organizational Behaviour

Organizational Behaviour Organizations have been described as groups

of people who work interdependently toward some purpose. This

definition clearly indicates that organizations are not buildings or

pieces of machinery. Organizations are, indeed, people who interact to

accomplish shared objectives. The study of organizational behaviour

(OB) and its affiliated subjects helps us understand what people

think, feel and do in organizational settings. For managers and,

realistically, all employees, this knowledge helps predict, understand

and control organizational events. There are three determinants of

behaviour in order to make an organization more effective: individual,

groups, and structure. The people within the organization and their

behaviours affect the performance of the organization. There are a

number of behavioural disciplines that contribute to OB: psychology,

sociology, social psychology, anthropology, and political science.

There are lot of challenges and opportunities today for managers to

use OB concepts. One of the most important and broad-based challenges

facing organizations today is adapting to diverse work environments.

Organizations are becoming more heterogeneous in terms of gender,

race, and ethnicity. Understanding the concepts of OB allows

management to facilitate the needs of a diverse workforce.

Organizational behaviour is about people at work in all kinds of

organizations and how they may be motivated to work together in more

effective ways. By studying these behaviours you become more aware of

your business ethics and are able to positively find ways to transfer

your employee's...

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In conclusion all these lead to an ultimate goal of improved

productivity; have people perform at full potential, and reward

workers for performance. Environmental factors are increasing the need

for effective leadership in today's organizations. In order to better

motivate, guide, and direct employee teams, leaders require specific

skills and expertise in behavioural studies to change their

environment. References Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing, 2001.

ORG/502-Organizational Behaviour. Resource. University of Phoenix.

Retrieved January 9, 2004. . Maslow, Abraham. "Basic needs." Workforce

81:1 (2002): 49 EBSCO. University of Phoenix Online collection.

Retrieved January 9, 200413 Keywords: Abraham Maslow. University of

Phoenix, ed. Organizational Behavior University of Phoenix custom

edition e-text.

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