Organic Products Case Study

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The word organic is origin from ‘bio’ expressing mode of living (Essoussi & Zahaf, 2008). ‘Organic’ involved fruits and vegetables and exclude other such as meat (Padel S. F., 2005). Usually, cereals, vegetables, fruits, milks, and meat are considered as organic food products (Chinnici, D’Amico, & Pecorino, A multivariate statistical analysis on the consumers of organic products, 2002).
The term ‘organic’ represents those products that are no consists of pesticides or fertilisers (Hutchins & Greenhalgh, Organic confusion: sustaining competitive advantage, 1997). Organic food interpreted is “the assurance of there is no any extra chemicals and fertilisers have been produced with artificial in the process including production, store, and process (Lockie, Lyons, & Lawrence, Constructing green foods: Corporate capital, risk and organic farming in Australia and New Zealand, 2000). Generally, when conduct to organic products, there is a must to have an agreement to ensure all processes are meeting the standard right and followed by the approval …show more content…

With the substantial growth in the organic market, it has been recognized as one the most potential market in the food industry (Hughner, McDonagh, Prothero, Shultz, & Stanton, Who are organic food consumers? Acomplication and review of why people purchase organic food, 2007). With the observation demonstrate that organic food products are enter and growth rapidly in Japan, Australia, Northen America, and Europe with an estimated $114.5 billion of huge sale in 1999 (Makatouni, What motives consumers to buy organic food products in the UK? Result from a qualitative study, 2002). According to the information, around 30% of growing rate in the organic industry make it has the value of 33 billion dollars (Rural Industries Research and Development,

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